We are here going to discuss different Architectural Frameworks (TOGAF, Zachman) and how relevant are they in defining software/solution architecture. First, I will list out, what is Solution Architecture and how it is different from Enterprise Architecture. Below are the reference definitions from Wikipedia.
Solution architecture is a practice of defining and describing an architecture of a system delivered in the context of a specific solution and as such, it may encompass description of an entire system or only its specific parts.
Enterprise architecture is “a well-defined practice for conducting enterprise analysis, design, planning, and implementation, using a comprehensive approach at all times, for the successful development and execution of strategy.”

TOGAF is an enterprise architecture framework and it lists Solution Architecture only in one of it’s chapter.
For Solution Architecture, TOGAF framework can be referred to understand the impact/changes which might be having on the solution to be worked on by Solution Architect, but it cannot provide more than this. It heavily focuses on Enterprise Architecture and it’s Enterprise Continuum.
Solution Architect works on a solution and designs the working of that particular solution. He/She may work with Enterprise Architect(s) for understanding the integration of that particular solution with other enterprise wide solutions.
For example: Project for upgrading a website
A Solution Architect will work on the architecture of components within the website and how the components or building blocks of the website will look like or behave.
Enterprise Architect (TOGAF) will look at upgrading the website in such a way that it integrates well with other enterprise apps ad solutions. His/Her task will be to gather everybody and come to a conclusion on interfaces, security, enterprise patterns etc.
Hope this help. Also, if there is more that Solution Architect should perform as per TOGAF, please provide your inputs in comment.